Have you ever imagined how it would look like if there were the steampunk cyborgs? Skinz Nhydez had enough encourage to do so and he even went one step further. He made some incredible and amazing steampunk accessories which could give you a look of a really badass steampunk cyborg. Skinz Nhydez is mysterious creator of incredible steampunk accessories who sells some of his works online. Some of his works reminded me on a heavy diving suits but they are certainly more than that. You can see that he gave a lot of his attention to small details which made his creations absolutely awesome and original. He also made some pretty interesting helmets, some of them look really scary.
Brilliant. Some of those are amazing. I wish I had the artistic talent to create things like this out of old junk.
…. very cool Steampunk accessories for that special Steampunk cyborg look !!
where can i buy thiiiis??
i want the goggles!!
It has been really helpful… lot of interesting hints… and real accurate analysis, hope to read more soon.
Great post, thanks! Maybe you could do a follow up article about this?
Great post! Please continue!
Great post! Please continue!
He is poor indeed that can promise nothing. — Thomas Draxe
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Just write like you’re talking to your friends. And soon, they will be.