Well, not quite. To celebrate the 30th Anniversary of the seminal mecha series MS Gundam, an 18-meter/59 feet-tall statue of the iconic RX-78-2 Gundam is being raised at Tokyo’s Odaiba island, specifically in Shiokaze Park.
The 35-ton Gundam is fully lit for dramatic effect, as can be seen in the nighttime pictures, and can swivel its head and project mist or light from 50 different points in its body.[via]
Louise Bourgeois’s 30ft spider, made of bronze, stainless steel and marble, stands outside the Tate Modern. It is one of six built by the 95-year-old acclaimed artist.[via]
Jason de Caires creates amazing underwater sculptures. Instead of trying to create unchanging and lasting works, he encourages the organic growth of coral and other organisms across his creations. [via]
The giant skeleton sculpture pictured above was created by Gino De Dominicis and it is currently being displayed in the Pallazo Reale in Milan.Now all Gino needs to do is throw a hooded cape and a body on him and we will have the world’s largest sculpture of Skeletor. Now that would be interesting. [via]
Giant 7-foot Transformers Optimus Prime metal sculpture created by Robot Models. [via]
This 46-feet long and 10-feet high sculpture of a life-like swimmer swimming through the grass was commissioned by London Ink reality TV show.
Big Rig Jig, creative sculpture designed by Mike Ross, is built from two repurposed 18-wheeler tanker trucks.
megan fox’s tattoos are awesome! she’s so hot!
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