Welcome on Tektuff.com !
Tektuff.com is an entertainment website that was established back in October of 2005 .
Tektuff.com has more than 86472 Visitors/month, 69044 unique Visitors (April 2011 Stats)
and 420429 Page Views ! , and is Ranked : 46,537 Alexa Traffic Rank
Tektuff.com is running on a VPS Server with 1500 Gigas/Month Bandwidth !
Compete Rank : #11,749 with 175,885 U.S. visitors per month
Athifea Distribution LLC, is a Holding Company based in North America and in Europe.
Tektuff does not claim to own exclusive rights on all posts, images and videos published. All sources we use to create our articles are and will be credited with a proper linkback. However, we are hosting a lot of uncredited material from unknown authors we recieved via mails, from friends and our readers. If you own copyrights to some material such as images or data and you want us to remove it from our pages, contact us to claim your ownership and we will either credit you and your website, or if you wish – completely remove the content.
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